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Nintendo 2DS just got a makeover, and it's *so* cool

Oops, he did it again...Luigi, that is. In a just-released new video from Nintendo (check it out below), we learn that Mario's younger brother didn't quite follow the directions when he was left in charge of the Nintendo 2DS factory—and ended up changing the system's entire color scheme. 

Accident or not, we *heart* the color swap. So long, plain black controls. Hello, Mario-approved red and blue everything! Turns out Luigi's slip-up wasn't such a mistake after all. In fact, his big bro loved it so much, he decided to release the new and improved Nintendo 2DS systems in stores this Novemberjust in time to add to your own holiday wish list.

The best part? It still costs the same. Snag the colorful controls (which come pre-installed with the Mario Kart 7 game in specially marked packages) at most retailers for about $80. Score! CLICK HERE to get more deets on all the awesome Nintendo 2DS features and to find the stores near you that sell it. P.S.: Don't forget to check out the game we've been hooked on lately here at GL: Style Savvy. So. Much. Fun.

What's your favorite Nintendo 2DS game? Sound off in the comments below!

by Amanda Tarlton | 10/5/2016