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What one administrator said to female students will shock you

With school in full swing, it's only a matter of time before those "This is what I was wearing when I violated the dress code" posts start circulating on social media again.

Female students being called out for simply "exposing collarbones" and wearing what we'd consider a super cute skirt is frustrating, but unfortunately nothing new. However, what one high school administrator said to a large group of students during a back-to-school assembly will definitely shock you.

According to Click 2 HoustonPhil Morgante, assistant principal of William P. Clements High School in Texas, told the students that female students and the way that they dress are to blame for poor test scores. If you think we're joking, check out the audio from The Odyssey Online below.

Though some of the audio is difficult to understand, you can clearly hear Morgante address the female students with, "I still blame you all for boys' low grades because of tight clothing." Uh, excuse me?

Without a doubt, the principal's comments are sexist and out of line. His words suggest that female students are nothing more than a distraction to male students, as if they aren't at school to do their own learning. Perhaps test scores are low because students don't like to study, don't pay attention in class, have test anxiety or even a learning disability. To us, all of those reasons seem much more logical than blaming a group of high school students who just so happen to have female bodies.

What are your thoughts on the comments this assistant principal made? Has an administrator at your school ever said something similar?

by Sydney Adamson | 9/7/2016