In the News
Little League superstar Mo'ne Davis drafted by the Harlem Globetrotters
It turns out basketball has been Mo’ne’s fave sport all along, and she began playing varsity basketball before she even hit High School.
Now, Mo’ne could become the 14th woman ever to play for the Globetrotters, and is the third woman to be drafted since they began their draft program eight years ago. This doesn’t mean Mo’ne will sign onto the team right away—just that the Globetrotters will have first dibs on signing her once she’s out of college.
That’s a little ways off, since Mo’ne is only 14. But she’s making waves right now, too—sodon’t expect her to be celebrating on social anytime soon. She and her baseball team are logging off while they take a month-long tour of major sites in the history of American Civil rights. You go girl!
What do you think about Mo’ne Davis and her athletic achievements? Are you excited to watch her play basketball?
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POSTED IN sports, LIFE, In the News,