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Feel Good Friday: These special dolls are helping kids celebrate their differences


When you think of dolls, you usually think of fair, porcelain skin, big round eyes, and a glistening white smile paired with a perfect pink pout—right? Well, not anymore.

Stereotypical dolls are boring—and overrated. And thanks to 3D toy printing company Makies in London, realistic dolls are here to help kids embrace their differences. Makies agreed to start making more diverse dolls after parents of children with disabilities started a social media campaign, Toy Like Me. The initiative asked toy makers to design dolls that actually reflected features of their own children and that were more realistic than other dolls on the market.


Since the campaign launched, Makies has even designed accessories for their dolls, including wheelchairs, canes, and hearing aids. Best part? The company is testing out made-to-order doll birthmarks, too.

So how do they make 'em?

Makies uses a 3D printer instead of mass production to create their dolls, allowing them to design toys that are customized for every child. Each doll is about $115—but the feeling a kid gets when they see themselves represented in the toy world? Priceless.

What do you think of these dolls? Post to #ToyLikeMe to thank Makies for making dolls that help kids celebrate uniqueness and realize that everyone is beautiful in their own way.

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by Melanie White | 2/1/2016