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Feel Good Friday: This tortoise might just get a second chance at beating the hare


We've all heard of underdog stories, but how about under-tortoise ones? Meet Mrs. T, a 90-year-old tortoise who lost both of her legs to a rat attack while she was hibernating in a garden.

After the attack, Mrs. T's owner, Jude Ryder, was scared she might have to put her longtime friend down. Thankfully, though, she just couldn't bring herself to do it, instead seeking a way to give Mrs. T her mobility back.

The solution? Wheels, brilliantly designed by Jude's mechanical engineer son.  

"Her new set of wheels has saved her life," said Ryder. "She has the run of the garden again—and we can always find her, because she leaves very strange tracks behind wherever she goes."

It just goes to show ya—even when you're on your last leg (or, in Mrs. T's case, last two legs), there's always a chance for you to come back better than ever.

What do you think of Mrs. T's story? Share in the comments below. 

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by Cliff Lytle | 2/1/2016