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Feel Good Friday: Community throws impromptu party when no one shows up at little boy's birthday


(Photo credit: ABC News

Glenn, an adorable six-year-old from Florida with autism, invited all 16 of his kindergarten classmates to his sixth birthday party.

When no one showed up, his mother, Ashlee Buratti, said that her heart broke and took to Facebook to express her anger and sadness over the turn of events. 

“We invited his whole class over for his 6th birthday party today,” she posted. “Not one kid came. Poor kid. I feel so bad for him. He keeps asking 'when will my friends get here?'”

After the post was spotted by friends and shared on Facebook, strangers began spreading the news. Local police departments, TV stations, and parents who sympathized all began to rally. The result? Dozens of people showing up with gifts for an impromptu celebration.

The community decided that no one should be alone on their birthday, especially not a little boy as sweet as Glenn. Parents and children from the area who didn't even know Glenn stopped by with presents, as did officers from the Osceola County Sheriff's Office. The officers also arranged a fly-by from a police helicopter, according to WKMG Local 6.

“One of our friends put him up on their shoulders and Glenn was smiling the whole time and waved," Ms. Buratti told WKMG. "It was amazing."

Glenn, who is fascinated by law enforcement, received more special treats throughout the week: a few days later, the fire department sent over a fire truck for him to explore. SWAT teams and police dogs also stopped by to visit.

While Glenn is thrilled and his mother is happy as a result, she hopes that the parents and children who didn't show up took this as a lesson to think of the consequences of their actions.

"When you are thinking about something as simple as a birthday party," she told ABC News. "Think about the child who is sitting there waiting for his friends to show up."

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by Kate Radin | 2/1/2016