In the News
Freaky Friday: There's a creepy full moon...just in time for Friday the 13th
Whether you’re totally superstitious or just in to the science behind it, the story behind full moons on Friday the 13th is pretty cool. In order for this seemingly supernatural event to occur (seriously, where are cuties Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Posey?! Teen Wolf was practically made for these things) three factors need to line up: the moon phase (full), the day of the month (13th), and the day of the week (Friday).
If you want the probability of the occurrence, you have to multiply the probabilities of all three together. Don’t worry, we did the math for you: the odds of a full moon falling on a Friday that’s the 13th day of the month are at a 5.81%. In fact, the last occurrence was October 13th, 2000! Now, that’s something to howl at.
And what if you missed the Friday the 13th full moon last night? That’s OK. You can catch it again on August 13th…2049, as in 35 years from now. Mark that one on your calendar, girls.
POSTED IN In the News, Feel Good Friday