In the News

Teens grinding at prom sprayed down with Lysol

If you’ve ever sprayed Lysol in the air and accidentally inhaled through your mouth, we’re betting you’re already cringing at this totally true headline. And if you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to catch a spritz of disinfectant in the eyes, we bet you’re ready to duck ‘n’ cover.


Just imagine: You’re boogieing with your date, probably dancing a li’l too close for the comfort of parent chaperones givin’ ya the eagle eye, when wham—you get Lysol right in the face…and an assortment of really bad names, to boot.


That’s exactly what happened to several students in Colorado when two parents got a little heavy-handed with their chaperoning responsibilities. They broke up the grinding group by spraying them down with Lysol and calling them a variety of bad words we won’t even say here, according to The Smoking Gun.


The two parents have since been cited for harassment, though they deny that they sprayed Lysol at the teens.


What do you think of this sitch, sweeties? How should grinding be dealt with at a school dance?



by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016