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Maybe you should reverse trick-or-treat this Halloween

When you were little, chances are your parents dressed you up and took you door-to-door—and maybe you still carry on the tradition. You would ring the doorbell, scream, “Trick or treat!” and snag a bar or two of fun-size candy. As you’ve gotten older, perhaps you’ve replaced the plastic jack-o-lantern with a pillowcase or an orange trick-or-treat for UNICEF box. But have you ever tried doing it in reverse?


Ah, reverse trick-or-treating. Haven’t heard of it? Join the club! These days, some kids and their parents are using Halloween to spread awareness of the horrors of the candy and chocolate industry. Most brand-name chocolates are produced in third-world countries where working conditions are poor, akin to slavery in some areas. To educate their neighbors, these do-gooders go from house-to-house and hand out fair-trade candy bars. How’s that for a role reversal?


What do you think of this growing trend? Would you reverse trick-or-treat?



by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016