In the News

Feel a sneeze coming on? Say buh-bye to bless you

Apparently a high school health teacher in California has his boxers in a twist over the common courtesy phrase “God bless you.” He is so irritated by it that he has banned it in his classes and is going so far as to dock points from those who utter it. Well, if that don’t beat all!


While the phrase certainly has religious origins, I think most people would argue that it qualifies as a courtesy, no more or less, nowadays. It’s what you say when your lab partner is frantically hunting for a tissue. It’s nice. Right?


According to The Week, this teacher thinks the usage of the phrase is an interruption to normal class proceedings (as though an explosive sneeze isn’t distracting enough, right?). Hmm…


What do you think about this ban, babes? Will you keep saying “bless you”?


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016