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Teens paying serious money for senior snaps

You might not be a senior in high school yet, but with class photos comin’ up, these annual snaps are on the brains of babes across the country. When you flip through your yearbook, chances are you’ve giggled over the so-awkward pics of your classmates and Y-O-U. And maybe you’ve gazed at the seniors, serious in their suits and traditional black drapes (pearls optional). Nowadays, however, the times…well, they are a’changin!


Getting gussied up is practically a given for picture day, but some students in their final year of high school are going all out for their seniors pics. The Stir reports that teens (and by default, their affluent parents) are pulling out the big guns so that they can shine one last time. I’m talking hair stylists, makeup artists and, oh yeah, professional private photogs. That’s hundreds of bucks blown on a yearbook photo!
Is this a trend you’ve noticed happening at your school, babes? And is it one you would (or will) follow? Dish it!


by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016