In the News
Botox beauty: How far would you go to be a superstar?

Earlier this year, we heard a rumor about a mom in San
Francisco who was injecting her 8-year-old daughter with Botox. The crazy
stories turned out to be true, and now the mom is being investigated by Child
Protective Services.
While we’re glad the pros are taking control of the situation, we can’t quite wrap our heads around the whole 8-year-old Botox thing. The mother says that she is training her daughter to be a “superstar.” Before she goes onstage at beauty pageants, the daughter allegedly asks for the injections to smooth out her imagined wrinkles. While the girl has told ABC reporters that the injections hurt, she says in the video below that she thinks her skin looks “way better” after the treatments.
Edit: As of Monday, May 16, the daughter has been removed from her mother's custody.
Take a look at the video below, babes, and let us know what you think of this situation. How far would you go to win a pageant, to be a so-called superstar or to simply look flawless?
POSTED IN body image, self-esteem, In the News