In the News
Binge Drinking on the Rise
CDC reports that “technically” speaking, binge drinking is considered four or more drinks in two hours for women and five or more drinks in two hours for men. However, they also say that is common for binge drinkers to greatly surpass this statistic. Binge drinking is a large problem that is attracting the public eye. It’s dangerous and can lead to cancer, pregnancy and unprotected sex. This type of drinking is most commonly found among kids and young adults and can lead to young adults making bad decisions and turning to violence to handle their aggression.
Binge drinking often occurs because people believe they have “high tolerances” and they continually feel they can handle one more beer. At some point, however, they lose control. It is reported that over 79,000 deaths a year are alcohol-related. Alcohol is dangerous and leads to a variety of problems. It is important to be aware of the risks it can cause and to drink maturely only when you are of legal age.
What do you think? Have you heard about binge drinking? Are you learning about this problem in health classes?
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