
How to wear 2015's hottest spring colors



Spring into a new look with five of the season's sweetest and most surprising color trends: aquamarine, classic blue, strawberry ice, glacier gray and custard. The unconventional hues represent a much cooler color palette, giving plenty of opportunity to stand out this season amidst the standard brights and florals. Not sure how to pull off the tones? Rock one or two together or use 'em to accessorize for a look that is fresh, feminine, and fierce. Check out our lookbook for more. 


  • 1_babyblue.png

    Precious purses

    This go-to clutch is the perfect size–carry it with you to the mall or movies when you're out and about with your besties for a cool, chic vibe.

    Double pocket faux-leather, $20,

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    Feeling blue

    There’s nothing more classic than a strappy sundress in a gorgeous primary blue. Dress it up with pretty jewelry or down with leggings and boots–this dress is super versatile, allowing you to take on whatever spring throws ya.

    Royal cage back flare dress, $26,

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    Nail it with strawberry ice

    Nail polish is a pretty, easy way to work cool colors into a warm wardrobe. The icy hue boasts a mod matte finish, bringing a little punk back to your pink.


    Just stitched Essie nail polish, $9, 

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    Go gray

    Gray might seem like more of a fall color, but it's actually super complementary to your bright spring dresses and tops. This cardigan is perfectly lightweight, making the transition into the warmer months easy breezy.  

    Knit cardigan, $24.95,

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    Butter me up

    Custard's not just for your Italian ice any more. Rock this gorgeous hue to bring subtle sunshine to even the rainiest of spring days.

     Floral Lace Sheath Dress, $24.95,


by Angelina Kaliszak | 2/1/2016