
How to wear a denim jacket All. Year. Long.


Love your denim jacket? We’re here to tell you there’s no need to pack it up anytime soon. Jean jackets are a go-to item for any time of the year. Here, we have created 4 looks for each season out of the year to inspire you to keep that topper in heavy rotation no matter the month.


  • 1_autmn.jpg

    Autumn is the best time for a jean jacket, because it can be layered on without making you feel like you are rocking a scuba suit. It’s super easy to wear a button-down or light sweater, then throw on a jean jacket for your walk home from school.

    Jean Jacket, $50,

    Sweater/shirt, $40,

    Black skinny Pant, $36,

    Suede ankle booties, $99,

    Black backpack, $45,

    Flat diamond studs, $10,

    Light weight infinity scarf, $15,

  • 2_winter.jpg

    Winter seems like the time of year that the jean jacket should be stored away…but resist the urge! Rock a boxy jean jacket and an oversized sweater over some warm leggings, layer up with plenty of cozy accessories and you are ready to go. 

    Jean jacket, $44,

    Over sized sweater, $31,

    Black leggings, $24,

    Thick socks, $11,

    LL Bean boots, $140,

    Fur Cross body bag, $48,

    Checked Scarf, $10,

    Waffle Beanie, $13,

  • 3_spring.jpg

    Springtime is great for that old standby, because the weather is all over the place. You can think its warm enough out, but then it can get chilly if you can starting to wear those cute spring dresses. So through on your go-to jean jacket and complete your look while staying away from that chill.

    Jean jacket, $90,

    Floral off the shoulder dress, $30,

    Pink cross body bag, $30,

    Oxford flats, $60,

    Flower bracelet, $13,

    Iphone case, $40,

    Sunglasses, $43,

    Chevron hair pins, $13,

  • 4_summer.jpg

    OK, some summer days are way too hot to wear a long-sleeved jean jacket all the time, but substituting the jacket for a vest is the perfect solution. You get the same great look while staying cool. 

    Jean Vest, $19,

    Floral skirt, $37,

    Stripped crop top, $20,

    White leather sandal, $66,

    Wicker clutch, $98,

    Bangles, $24,

    Circle Studs, $22,

    Floral sunglasses, $33,


by Georgia Caroline Milton | 2/1/2016