Take the Clear Skin Week Four: Finish In Style!

Exfoliate once this week to buff off dead skin. Consider it the finishing touch on your clear-skin treatment (don’t get into the habit of exfoliating too often, though!).

If you’ve got acne scars or pimples that you wanna cover up, use a concealer topped off with a loose powder.

Conceal Rx Physicians Strength Concealer, $9,
Use a smaller brush to cover up trouble spots and a bigger brush to blend the foundation in together. For a tan-inspired glow, blend a little bronzer on top.

At the end of this week, take a look in the mirror. Your skin should be smoother, clearer, and healthier. If you’re still breaking out, it may be time to see a dermatologist. He or she can create a customized plan for you.
But if your skin is lookin’ better and you just have a couple of pimples? Keep up your new routine and remember those spots are just bumps along the way.
POSTED IN skin, back-to-school beauty