Quiz - What kind of sister are you?

Are you the sassy sister, the shy sister or the supportive sister? This quiz—inspired by the new graphic novel Sisters from Raina Telgemeir—provides a peek into your personality…and shares what your friends and family love most about you.
Read the book…
Three weeks, two sisters, one car—and it’s a true story! In Sisters, Raina can’t wait to be a big sis. But once Amara is born, things aren’t quite how she expected them to be.
Amara is cute, but she’s also a cranky, grouchy baby, and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn’t improve much over the years. But when a baby brother enters th picture, and later, when something doesn’t seem quite right between their parents, they realize they must figure out how to get along. They’re sisters, after all…and author Raina Telgemeir uses her signature humor and charm to tell the story of what unfolds during this hilarious family roadtrip that changes them forever. Press play to snag a sneak peek...