Quiz - Is your summer too busy…or will you be bored to tears?

School’s out! Kiss-kiss to homework, hockey practice, violin lessons, French club and final exams. But here’s one last pop quiz to take before you stash your blue ballpoint for three glorious sunshine-y months. No pressure, because we won’t be grading you. But you’ll find out for yourself what your style is when it comes to kickin’ it over the summer.


Your neighbor asks you to babysit Saturday night, so you…


Your community rec center needs help setting up for the big Fourth of July Fling. You'll...


Your friend asks if you want to hit the mall after day camp. You…


You can’t wait to get to the beach with your fam this year. Why?


No more annoying alarm clock! You’re gonna…


The best thing about summer?


Your best friend’s family is hitting the road in the RV for a camping trip, and guess what—her parents have given the nod for you to go with them! You would…


You’ve signed up for the summer read-a-thon program at the public library. Your goal?


Your parents have asked you to pitch in with the yardwork this season, so you…