Think like a CHAMP!

Ya don’t have to be heading to Beijing sportin’ the stars ’n’ stripes to get your mind in shape for tough competition. Seventeen-year-old U.S. swimmer—and Olympic hopeful—Lili Shiota took a few secs to spill some of her stay-focused secrets with GL.

Surround yourself with girls who have similar goals. How does Lili get through endless laps in the pool? “Knowing my best friends are swimming the same practice with me reminds me I’m not the only one working hard.” No doubt about it, having a few friends who love to run (or whatever) make the miles fly by.

Know what ya want…and don’t be afraid to go for it. “Without a goal, improvement is very difficult and it’ll make you question whether all the time spent is worth it,” Lili says. She’s been training for 11 years to fight her way to the top of the 100-meter backstroke pool. “Knowing your priorities will help you organize your time.”

Stay cool under pressure. “When I feel stress, I listen to music. It keeps me calm and focused on my races,” Lili advises. So plug in your iPod, do a pre-game dance, whatever it takes to banish those nerves.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Lili’s swimming the biggest races of her life this summer, but that doesn’t mean she’s business 24/7. “I try to crack someone up in the pool. It puts me and everyone around in a good mood!”

by GL | 2/1/2016