"Autumn" -- An original poem


Hey ladies! GL girl Erin R. wrote this festive poem called "Autumn". Take a peek and let us know what you think in your comments below.


Scarlett and plum lips are the new peach

Say hello to warm scarves and goodbye to the beach

Enjoy the sight of colorful leaves in yellow and red

Dream about the smells of apple pie and banana bread

Bundle up in hats, knee-socks and mittens

Make sure the winter boots are still fitting

Hide your hands in your pockets from the cool, crisp air

Stay warm with soft blankets and teddy bears

Cross your fingers for your favorite football team

Listen to the spirited fans as they shout and scream

Relax by the warm fire in the evening with those you adore

Forgetting how many cups of apple cider you've had- maybe one, maybe two, maybe four

Want to showcase your work? Whether you like to dabble in creative switing, swoosh some strokes on a canvas or snap pics, send us your poems, short stories and artwork to youwroteit@girlslife.com OR just click “Submit Your Own” below. 



by Erin R | 2/1/2016