"Find The Light" - An original poem
Hey chicas! Feeling a little down? Here is a poem GL reader Anna L. wrote to lift her spirits when life gets rough. Take a look and tell us what you think in the comments.
"Find The Light"
It's all that I can see.
Whenever I see any form of light.
It is faded by something in its way.
I hate the thing that's blocking it.
It makes me feel even more sorrow.
I feel like I will never be able to be the light.
All I will ever be is darkness that no one likes to be near.
Whenever I try to tell someone
I am interrupted by the article that keeps me in the darkness.
I listen to any sort of help that I can find
But all I hear are low voices knocking me down even more.
I hope that one day
I will be able to see and feel the light.
But until then I will have to fake it
And make myself light up when all I feel is nothing but darkness.
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POSTED IN You Wrote It, poetry