5 ways to bloom your confidence

Makin’ a speech in front of your grade? No prob! Talkin’ to that cutie in your math class? Psh, naturally! With our tips you’ll be breezin’ through these sitches. Get ready ‘cause spring has sprung, and so will your self-confidence!


Stand up straight

Your rents nag you all the time about this...head up, back straight, boobs out, blah blah blah. Here’s the thing though…they’re actually right about this one. Standing up straight will make you appear confident and self-assured, even if you’re shaking in your sneaks. Trust us on this one, and stand tall.


Don’t be your own worst enemy

Instead of focusing on how you totally flubbed that answer in history and start giving yourself kudos for the things you’re fab at, like making stellar presentation posters or sliding into home plate during gym class. The more you focus on the positives, the more faith in yourself you’ll have. And that goes double for those around you.


Use your imagination

Do yourself a favor and stop insisting that you’re gonna fail before you even start. Keep tellin’ yourself you’re gonna mess up talking to your crush, and guess who ends up tongue-tied…yeah, that’d be Y-O-U. Instead, picture yourself having a smooth, witty, flirtatious convo with him, instead. Now who’s got a date to the spring semi? Uh huh, we thought so.


Work out

Hitting the gym (or the pool or the pavement or the Wii balance board) isn’t about looking like a model. No, really. It’s about feeling good. The funny thing about exercising is that even if your abs don’t look like they’ve been carved outta marble, the way you carry yourself and the pride in your body that you exude can totally change the way other folks look at you…for the better.



Your smile is your best accessory, so wear it as much as possible. Not only will you radiate confidence and look extra gorgeous, but you’ll look approachable and friendly—total plus for making new friends (including that hottie you’ve been eyeing).


What’s your trick to boosting your confidence, chicas?

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by Amanda Poole | 2/1/2016