Dating tips from singer Charlie Williams

Valentine’s Day might be over, but that doesn’t mean you’re not still trying to get the inside scoop on what’s going on in a boy’s head. And we found just the right guy to ask.

With a brand new single that just released titled “Dreams Come True,” Charlie Williams will soon be taking over your heart. We caught up with the 16-year-old cutie and asked him to share some of his thoughts about his new single and girls in general.

GL: What’s “Dreams Come True” all about? 

Charlie: “Dreams Come True” is based on following your heart and believing that you can achieve anything. Whether it be a goal that you wish to achieve, or that girl (or guy!) you wish to be with. Just  follow your heart and you'll achieve happiness.


GL: It’s no secret, girls always get butterflies in their stomach before a first date. Do boys get nervous, too?

Charlie: I don't think guys get nervous, but we definitely think about every single thing we do and the consequences. I know I do. After a date, it’s a lot about the "what if's" or "what would've happened?"


GL: What would be the biggest deal breaker on a date for you?

Charlie: I really like when girls are open about things. It’s hard to get to know them when they're reserved and not themselves. It’s really awkward when you're just sitting there at dinner and she's staring at the ceiling.


GL: When it comes to fashion, what do you notice most about a girl?
Charlie: I love when girls will wear different things that make them stand out. 


GL: In your opinion, what’s one thing a girl can do to help get a guy to notice her?

Charlie: Be herself, and don't try to be anyone different. Girls are beautiful no matter what. They should be proud of that. 


Haven’t heard “Dreams Come True” yet? Check out Charlie performing it live below…


Are you a fan of Charlie Williams? Blog about it, babes.

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by Caitlin Farley and Patricia McNamara | 2/1/2016