Dear Carol, I want to start by saying thank you so much for your column! You make me feel good about myself by normalizing all the weird things I’m going through. I am now in desperate need of advice. Almost a...
As you fall into the rhythm of the second semester, the relaxing, sun-soaked months of June and July might feel ages away. But, as Ferris Bueller once said, "Time moves pretty fast." Soon you'll be bikini-clad, stretching out on a...
If you've been bitten by the wanderlust bug, it's likely you've considered studying abroad at some point. But while you've always dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower in person, the thought of setting out on your own to travel the...
Friends are universally considered one of the best parts of life: They're there for you when you're down, they make you laugh and they give great advice. But sometimes, friends can be less-than-stellar. Occasionally, red flags might appear—just like in...
POV: One day, you're sharing about your first period with your mom. The next? Struggling to tell her about your first real S.O. or your dream (but unexpected!) career path. Opening up to your parents can get, well, a little...
Dear Carol, I am 14 and I go to a small middle school that ends in eighth grade. I have amazing friends, but even the most amazing people can't understand you perfectly. That may be my fault. I tell them so...
Step aside, Cupid. This year, GL’s got everything you need to shower your squad with *all* the love. Here's how this works... 1. You can enter for *all* giveaways through March 7. 2. Be sure your GL account is updated with your...
Dear Carol, Now that I'm back at school after Christmas vacation, I’m drowning in work and feeling very anxious. - Too Many Tests Dear Too Many Tests, You’re not the only student feeling anxious right now. Keep powering through so you can do well...
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