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How to be an ally during Pride Month

Happy Pride Month, babes! June equals the start of summer szn and all things warm and beachy, but it also calls for some biiiig celebration—this month, we're showering members of the LGBTQ+ community with all the love.

While posting a cute infographic on IG is a great way to show your support, there are so many other things you can do to be the best ally to your BFFs, classmates and family members. Here are some ways to show your support (and pride!) for those you love this month...

Check-in with your besties

While this month is meant to uplift the LGBTQ+ community, some people face hardships that make it not-so-easy to celebrate their identity. For others, they might simply feel uncomfortable showing their colorful pride, or hesitant about putting a label on themselves. It's important to check in and check up with your LGBTQ+ friends, and especially to listen

Not sure what to say? Start small with a casual convo and offer support if your bestie needs a hand. (A simple "How are you holding up?" or "Just checking in on you!"—or even "I'm here for you" means the world.) If you know they're having a tough time, reach out and ask if there's any way you can make them feel better. (Sometimes, it just takes a little bit of talking and a sweet treat to show you care!)

Validating your besties' experiences and taking the time to talk it out = a healthy friendship all around.

Research local charities and organizations to support

While big organizations such as The Trevor Project and the Human Rights Campaign are wonderful national charities to support, there are so many local small businesses and donation centers that you can give back to in your area. Take time to research organizations that are accepting donations, and if you can, give back to the community.

Looking for more charities or donation centers to get involved with? PFLAG is an amazing organization with chapters across the US focusing on LGBTQ+ individuals and families. The True Colors Fund also works to support homeless LGBTQ+ youth, with events running across the country. 

(Psst: Some small businesses may even have cute merch or stickers to sport while also supporting an amazing cause.)

Stand up in public spaces

Support goes beyond reposting on social media and uplifting your besties—it also means advocating when you see something going on and helping stop behavior that is totally not cool. If you see something happening, say something.

Let's say you notice a friend or family member talking negatively about LGBTQ+ rights. Politely intervene with your support, and work to squash any false stereotypes they may bring up about the community. You can also steer the conversation away from negativity if it gets awk—expressing your discomfort with the topic at hand. 

Show off your pride


OK, now this is where all the colorful merchandise, stickers and buttons come out! If you're looking for a subtle yet noticeable way to show your allyship, you can opt to decorate and stay decked out in pride merchandise. Pura Vida offers a super cute selection of pride-themed bracelets, earrings and other jewelry. Etsy also offers more personalized accessories, like an ally bracelet or even an embroidered sweatshirt.

Ofc, always remember that the spotlight is on members of the LGBTQ+ community this month—but you can shine as an ally, too!

Practice allyship not just this month, but every month

The ultimate way to be an ally during Pride Month? Practice this same allyship all year round. While June is the time to celebrate and enjoy all the rainbows, the LGBTQ+ community exists outside of the summertime. Remember that it's important to practice standing up, listening, supporting and uplifting the community every day.

Happy Pride Month!

Searching for more Pride content? Check these out:
🌈 Add these 10 books to your TBR list for Pride Month
🌈 How to celebrate Pride Month...even if you're still chilling in the closet
🌈 You need these charitable LGBTQ+ clothes for Pride Month

Top and slider image: @doodlegems


by Sophie LaBella | 6/10/2024