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4 easy ways to give back this holiday season

Whether you spend holiday dinners dodging questions from your extended fam or you're overjoyed to kick back around a table with them, not everyone is lucky enough to even have a table of food to sit down at during these special holidays, let alone on a normal day. In fact, 1 in 5 children in the U.S. do not get the food that they need, and that may be because there are about 1.6 million homeless children here. Luckily, there are many ways you can give back to your community this time of year. You'll feel good doing it, and you might brighten up someone's whole week.

1. Volunteering

From soup kitchens, community gardens or retirement homes, there are many places you can volunteer your time. Ask teachers at your school if there is a school-sponsored way to volunteer with your friends, or if they know of any opportunities outside of school. If you’re a member of a church, synagogue or some religious organization, there will definitely be some ways you can volunteer through there. All you have to do is ask, or do a little research online.

2. Cooking

If you love to cook (or bake!), or you love to help your parents cook, this is a great project for you. Your local soup kitchens and Meals on Wheels often have opportunities for you and your family to donate meals to those who need them. Take some time to research where those organizations are in your town, then contact them to figure out what exactly their needs are this holiday season (for example, they may need specific types of food, be in search on volunteers or, in some cases, already have all the help they need).

3. Donating

Everything from cans of beans to your old iPhone can be donated. These items may seem trivial to some, but they will mean a lot more to someone else. This Saturday, gather your family for an indoor scavenger hunt. Find all those old sweaters, scarves and jeans tucked in closets and the attic. Many towns have bins specifically for donating second hand clothes so once you've got your loot, put everything in a large bag and leave it in the bin. These clothes go to domestic thrift stores and overseas to developing countries.

4. Letter Writing

This is an easy one to do alone, but it's an amazing thing to get your BFFs in on. Gather some construction paper, envelopes, stickers and other decorative touches to write thank you notes. These notes will go to members of the armed forces that can not be home with their families during the holiday season, and, believe it or not, they mean a lot to these soldiers. Check out websites like Operation Gratitude or A Million Thanks to find out where to send the letters, and you might make a veteran’s day.

How will you give back this holiday season? Let us know in the comments!


by Amy Garcia | 11/15/2016