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Survey: Do you feel bad about being too busy...or relaxing when you're not?

School, sports, a social life. That part-time babysitting gig plus a few hours volunteering each week. Chores, play practice, that sweater you've been knitting for-ev-er. Yep, you're a busy babe…and it can get a little overwhelming at times.

But we want to know: Do you ever feel bad about being so busy? 

Maybe your bestie lays on a huuuuge guilt-trip when you've got too much happening to hang 24/7 on the weekend. Or maybe when you finally have a day off, you sleep in and veg out on the couch—only to endure a major lecture from Mom on how to better spend your downtime. Or maybe it's just that you're totally swamped—and don't understand how everyone on Insta finds the time to craft/decorate/design the perfect life.

Take our 10-question mini survey to tell us how you spend your free time—and how it makes you feel. Your answers might appear in an upcoming issue of GL!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
by GL | 2/1/2016