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20 things you should do before you turn 20

You only live once—and you're only a teenager for seven short years! Check out the top twenty things you need to do before you hit the big 2-0.
1. Read 100 incredible books....or 200, 500, 1000...
2. Dance in the rain with your BFF, crush, best guy friend or…anyone!
3. Throw a surprise party for someone you love, and capture their perf reaction in a Polaroid.
4. Do something active every day. Staying in shape and keeping healthy will make all your long years that much more awesome.
5. Write a song and learn to play it on guitar or piano. Hello, star status!
6. See your favorite band in concert, and dance your head off.
7. Tell your parents you appreciate all they do for you. Seriously, it never gets said enough.
8. Graduate from high school. Walking across that stage diploma in hand will be one of the best days of your life—promise!
9. Explore a national park with your siblings or parents. Take time to breathe in all that incredible fresh air.
10. Apply to your dream college. Even if you don’t think you’ll get in, it’s better than knowing “what if.”
11. Get a job. There’s nothing more empowering than making your own money and building up your resume.
12. Master a foreign language. Global communication es muy importante, no?
13. Vote. What’s more powerful than having say in who should lead our country?
14. Talk to your crush, even though you may be totally freaking out! Better yet? Ask him or her out.
15. Grab your fave floral crown and hit up a music festival.
16. Take a road trip with your BFFs. Plan out an itinerary or go wherever the open road takes you—just make sure you've got a GPS. And snacks.
17. Learn to cook a yummy and healthy dinner all by yourself. OK, Pinterest can help.
18. Take a vacay to a foreign country. Très chic!
19. Fall in love—and learn that it will all be OK if you get your heart broken.
20. Chase your dreams. Dream jobs are possible, so don’t let “no” stop you—you've got the next 60-some years to achieve 'em!
What do you want to do before you turn 20, GL girls? Let us know below!
POSTED IN fun stuff, weekend fun, GL's 20th birthday