
My friend sulks if I do better in school than her. Help!

I have one friend who is very competitive about grades. She bugs me about a grade until I tell her. If I do better than her, she gets sulky, but if SHE does better, she acts thrilled. It really annoys me.

Uh, yeah, that’s really annoying. No one likes the friend who constantly compares grades and gloats if she’s done better—what a downer! You have to nip this bad-friend-habit in the bud. The next time she asks you what you got on your Math test or English essay, simply tell her that you’ve decided not to share your grades anymore. Explain that school’s not a competition—you’re only trying to do the best you can do. If she doesn’t respect that, move on. You don’t need a friend who can only feel good about herself when she’s received a higher grade.


by Lucky | 2/1/2016