8 adorable things to write in your bestie's yearbook

For most yearbook signing requests, a simple "Love ya! Have a great summer <3” will do. But not for your bestie. How are you supposed to sum up a year of inside jokes and awesome adventures in a few sentences? Here are eight awesome ideas…
1. Write down your fave memory of you two from the entire school year. Try, “Remember when we had that all night Riverdale marathon?” instead of, “Love all our fab sleepovers!” Be specific, but keep it short. It’s sure to make her smile.
2. Write down three things you love about her. Maybe it’s her sense of humor, her guy advice or how she patiently listens to all your probs.
3. Remember that song you jammed out to on the way to the mall the whole year? Write down a few of the lyrics. She’ll instantly remember all your crazy car rides.
4. Say thank-you. Tell her how much you appreciated her this year and how happy you are that you’re BFFs. Be careful—this one might cause a few tears!
5. Look forward to the future! List all the things you can’t wait to do this summer. Relaxing by the pool, hitting up BBQs, finding a job together…
6. Write in color! Most people will probably be using a black Sharpie, so try a hot pink or lime green glitter pen. Your note will def stand out.
7. Draw a funny pic. Maybe it’s of you two holding hands or of that cute junior you’re secretly crushing on. She’ll laugh out loud when she sees your work!
8. Agree to read what you guys wrote to each other at the same time. It will be fun and super sentimental.
What’s your yearbook stand-by?
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POSTED IN bff, School, end-of-the-year fun, have the best school year ever, boredom buster