
5 tips to make introducing your SO to your family *so* much easier

Maybe you while introducing the family to your bae for the first time:

TWill your parents approve? Is everyone going to get along? Will my family love them as much as I do? A lot of nerves go into that first interaction, but there are definitely ways to ease the tension and make the encounter so much smoother. 

Talk to your family about your S.O. before they meet: Tell your parents all of your SO’s great qualities. That way, your parents will learn to like them before they even meet. 

Show them pictures: Of course you've already posted a ton of selfies together on Insta, but it's great to personally show your fam photos of your two. 

Tell them about how happy your S.O. makes you: At the end of the day, the only thing parents want for their kids is for them to be happy. As long as your parents know that your S.O. is making you happy, they’ll likely love them. 

MUST READ: So, you both like each other. Now what? Define the relationship

Talk to your S.O. about what they can expect from your family: Whether your family is super loud and welcoming or quiet and more reserved, giving your sweetie a rundown of what to expect when they meet the family can make them feel so much more relaxed and prepared. 

Introduce your S.O. to your siblings first: Introducing them to someone in your family that is a similar age can make the process easier, as they can be eased into the family. They will have more things in common and can talk about a variety of shared interests. Then when you have them meet the parents, they'll have you *plus* your sibs on your side. 

Introducing bae to your family doesn’t have to be as scary as you think. When it comes down to it, your family will love seeing you happy. If your girl or guy makes you feel those things, than your family is bound to approve.


by Molly Beidleman | 2/21/2019