9 holiday memes for your family group chat

The arrival of the Christmas season means family dinners, get-togethers and...memes? Yep, that's right. For all the crazy funny things that happen around the holidays, here are some totally relatable memes for the next time you fire up the family group chat. We have a feeling it will be very soon.
When you're supposed to be picking out gifts for the fam.

When you decide to get everybody in your extended family the same gift.

Decorating Christmas cookies for the family party like you're creating art.

Your younger sibling when you're on winter break.

You and your sibs on Christmas morning.

While you're watching your fam open your gifts.

When you leave your pets to go to your grandma's for Christmas dinner.

When your aunt that lives in a different state visits and you can't remember ever meeting her.

When your cousins start arguing at the dinner table.

What's *your* favorite thing about Christmas?