
So your sib's getting more attention than you? Try this

While having a sibling is usually great – there’s always someone to hang with, and you’ll never get bored – having a sibling can really be a drag. You might not get as much privacy as you want, and it seems like you’ll never have any peace and quiet. Not to mention, it’s always a competition between you two. Do you feel like you’re losing this competition? Are your parents giving you less attention than your little sis or your older bro? Here’s how to deal.

Talk to your parents

The most important thing to do when dealing with sibling rivalry is to be honest. Sometimes, your parents may not even realize that they are giving your sib more attention, so let them know! If you’re feeling neglected or a little forgotten, make sure they know this. In most cases, just telling them how you’ve been feeling will change things. Ask if you can have a little one-on-one time during the day, so you don’t have to worry about them dividing their attention. They’ll be flattered you want to spend this time with them, and they’ll be even more excited to spend this time with you.

Don’t act out

It might seem that acting out is the best way to regain your ‘rents attention but this is a big no-no. If you’re lacking attention to begin with, you definitely don’t want to get it back in a bad way. So avoid sneaking out, or disobeying them. But do try doing extra chores around the house so your parents will notice the good deeds you’re doing. Get good grades in school, so your parents will be proud. When you do things like these, they can’t help but give you attention!

Consider this: It could just be different types of attention

You and your sibling are two different people. You have different talents and different personalities. Your parents may just be giving the two of you different types of attention instead of favoring one over the other. Your sibling might be more into sports, while you like to read a lot. It may seem that your ‘rents are giving him more attention because they go out more often with him because of his games. To him though, it may seem that your parents are giving you more attention because they are with you more at home. Try putting yourself in your sibling’s shoes and see if they’re feeling the same thing as you. Chances are, you’re both more worried about the attention your parents are giving each other than the attention they’re giving you.


by Katie Takacs | 2/1/2016