How to start a super awkward conversation with your parents
“There’s a bully at school.” “Things are getting serious with my boyfriend.” “I’m having trouble with my period.” These are all topics we dread bringing up with our parents. But sometimes, they need to be discussed. Like, right now. So how in the world can you bring them up without feeling like you’re gonna vom? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.
The best way to go about this is to be upfront and honest. Skip the dilly-dallying and giggling, sit your parents down and tell them what’s on your mind. Odds are they’ve been in the same situation before, so they really can relate. And they’re your parents, so they won’t judge you. But you need to make sure they know how serious you are when you start the conversation. Tell them you need to talk about something that’s been bothering you and that you really need their advice.
To avoid any awkwardness, act maturely and make sure you’ve done your research. You want to make sure you can show them how important this topic is to you and you want to sound educated about it. At the end of the day, everyone experiences those uncomfortable conversations and survives – and you will too!
POSTED IN how to talk to parents