Dear Carol, One of my friends is super boy-crazy. She's had about six or more boyfriends in the past year. All she talks about are boys, boys, boys. I feel like I'm losing an extremely close friend, and I would be...
Dear Carol, I have a problem with my body that I don’t want to ask anybody else about. I think it’s something that I can control, but I am clueless on how. My armpits sweat so much even though I wear...
Dear Carol, I'm going to camp this summer and have no idea when my period is coming. If something goes wrong and people find out, I will die. Please help! –Period Panic Dear Period Panic, Every adult woman in the world has managed to...
Dear Carol, Help! I've been biting my nails since I was 7. There is no more to bite and my nails started hurting. Do you have any advice? –Nail Biter Dear Nail-Biter, Oh man, I was quite a nail-biter myself, and to be 100...
Dear Carol, I was going out with my boyfriend for almost a year, but we broke up last month. I see him in the halls every day, and every week he’s with a different girl. How am I supposed to move...
Dear Carol, I am a really determined person and right now grades are my top priority, but I feel like it is taking a toll on my friendships. –School Problems Dear School Problems, Kudos to you for being aware that doing well in school...
Dear Carol, My biological father left when my mom was four months pregnant with me. She has a boyfriend she expects me to call Dad and they have been dating for about nine years. He just doesn’t feel like a dad...
Dear Carol, I met this guy at a coffee place and he was super cute and polite, but I didn’t get the chance to ask his name. Should I try to find out his name or just leave it alone? —The...
Are you ready for your first kiss? 💋
The perf read for any gal overthinking her own love life, The Kiss Bet mixes feel-good funnies with super sweet circumstances and, of course, swoon-worthy moments galore. See what our Book Besties thought of our latest read HERE!
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