One weekend I decided to go to the mall with my mom. I thought since we were going to a small mall I wouldn't know anyone there. But, when I was checking out at the counter of a store, my...
In the 4th grade, I was in reading class and I wasn't feeling too good. Then all of a sudden, I let out the loudest burp ever! My face turned ruby. I was covering my mouth, hoping nobody noticed, but...
I was sitting in band one day with jeans that had metal buttons on the back pocket. The band chairs have grooves on them. When I turned around to talk to my cute crush- FRRRIIPPP! My pants made a loud...
Okay, well I was walking to this place where friends and I eat, including guys! Well, it was a snowy day and it was after school. I was walking and talking to my friends and the guys were right behind...
My friend and I were at a department and were by ourselves and my friend said she always wanted to jump on the display beds. Since no one was around, we both hopped on a bed and started jumping around...
We had just got back from the "talk", and I was running down the stairs to get to class. One of my friends tripped then fell onto me, and I went full force flying down the flight of stairs! I...
I went to a boy-girl party at my BFF’s house and my crush was there. We went outside to talk, and I was so excited that he had finally noticed me. We had been chatting for about five minutes when...
Me and my friend were singing a song really loudly at lunch one day. No one could really hear us since the cafeteria was loud. Suddenly, one of the lunch aides turned off the lights. Everyone got quiet, but me...
Are you ready for your first kiss? 💋
The perf read for any gal overthinking her own love life, The Kiss Bet mixes feel-good funnies with super sweet circumstances and, of course, swoon-worthy moments galore. See what our Book Besties thought of our latest read HERE!
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