Your Bod
My stomach keeps making loud noises at school

My stomach growls and is gassy. On weekends, it’s not so bad. But this happens all day at school! What can I do to stop it?
Tummies growl and intestinal tracts produce gas—our bodies are required to do these things. As for the growling, it just means your tummy muscles are contracting as they send liquids and food particles to the small intestines. Growling is good—it means everything is working properly. Sorry, no suggestions for taming the noise.
As for gas, passing it six to 20 times daily is normal. You might toot more when you drink carbonated beverages or change your diet. Fizzy drinks produce air—and what goes in must come out. Fibrous veggies (like broccoli, squash and spinach), dairy products and beans are good-for-you foods, but your body can’t break them down fully. The undigested parts wind up in the colon, where friendly bacteria gobble them up. The bacteria then produce gas, explains Dr. Robert Herman, a gastroenterologist in Manhasset, N.Y.
Perhaps some gas-inducing foods are in your typical before-school breakfast or cafeteria lunch. Figure out which foods affect you, and avoid them on school days. Worst case, you can minimize embarrassing episodes with an over-the-counter charcoal tablet such as Charco. Yes, charcoal. It’s safe and absorbs some of the smelly you-know-what. Pee-ew!
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