Your Bod
In a drought this summer? Here's how to shave your legs *without* water

Don’t forget a fresh razor
Dull razors can lead to nasty cuts, so make sure to toss your old razor and replace it with a new one. If you’re opting for a disposable razor (we’re fans of the Venus Sensitive Disposable Razor, $7.49,, try not to use it for more than a few weeks to keep things sharp.
Set up a barrier
We’ve been taught to shave in the shower because warm water softens skin and hair, making your shaving experience easy-peasy. When you’re in a bind, opt for body oil or lotion instead. It’ll soften you up and create a barrier between your skin and the blade, ensuring you get the smooth shave you’re looking for.
Change your direction
You might be used to shaving against the grain, but it’s time to switch things up. Shaving in the same direction that your hair grows will keep you from experiencing any uncomfortable stubble and ingrown hairs. And, once you’re finished, run a cool washcloth down your legs. This’ll calm your hair follicles for some added razor burn prevention.
Choose the right moisturizer
Your fave scented lotion might smell wonderful, but it’s more likely to irritate your freshly shaved legs. Try an oil- and fragrance-free lotion instead (like CeaVe’s Moisturizing Lotion, $10.99, It’ll keep your legs from feeling totally dehydrated without clogging up your pores or causing any nasty burning.
Would you ever try to shave your legs without water? What are some of your environmentally-friendly beauty routines?
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POSTED IN shaving 101, how to shave