Your Bod

What you need to know about cracking your knuckles


Pop, pop, pop. Whether it’s to loosen up our hands or for dramatic effect, we’ve all cracked our knuckles (or cringed when someone else did). But is it bad for you or just kind of annoying? Cracking your knuckles may relieve some stress in your joints for now, but there may be some things you just might not know...

What causes the popping sound?

It’s that super weird and sometimes icky noise that your knuckles make after being cracked. According to the University of Alberta researchers, the popping noise comes from an air bubble that forms when your joints have been pulled apart.

What’s the point of cracking your knuckles?

Think of cracking your knuckles as a bad habit like, biting your nails or tapping your fingers on a desk. When people get nervous they have a habit of doing something that will put them at ease and in some cases, that may be popping that pressure build up. 

Why can’t some crack their knuckles?

Some of you can’t crack you knuckles and that’s completely normal. With some people its as easy as a snap, others may have to add a bit more pressure, and some just can’t plain old do it. Everyone’s joints are different. Michael Suk, M.D., chairman of the department of orthopedic surgery at Geisinger Health System says, “there have been some reports that people can tear or stretch tendons based on how they crack their knuckles." So be carful when trying, you could really hurt yourself.

Can cracking your knuckles really give you arthritis? 

Your parents have probably put it in your head that you can get arthritis from cracking your knuckles too much. Fun fact: there is nothing scientific about that, so you can you go tell your mom to stop worrying. No harm can come from cracking your knuckles, as long as you are gentle. But not all joints are the same. So when you’re cracking your neck or your back, you may want to take some precautions. 

Do you crack your knuckles too much or not at all? Got a story to tell? Share in the comments below.

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by Crystal Williams | 2/1/2016