Your Bod

Everything you need to know about your first gyno visit


So you just got your first period and now your mom thinks you need to go see the gyno...ugh! Even though it's not exactly how someone would want to spend their afternoon, it's totally necessary and not a big deal (promise). So if you're going for the first time and are kinda freaking out, take a deep breath and relax––we’ve got the deets on everything you need to know about your first visit. 

Get there early. 
You're probably going to be anxious and super nervous asking yourself questions like: "Will it hurt?" and "Do I have to get undressed?", so instead of getting there right on time with sweaty palms and nerves, try getting there 15 minutes early to give yourself some time to relax and fill out all the paperwork with mom. Make sure to bring a book to read or your iPod to listen to some music and de-stress in the waiting room.

The appointment.

The gyno will probably have you sit down with them in their office before the exam. They'll want to get the scoop about your life so this is a great time to tell them it’s your first visit, and ask any questions you may have (like if you’re experiencing any pain down there or have weird discharge). We suggest making a list of all your questions before the appointment, that way when it's time to meet and ask Qs, you won't forget anything.

The doctor's Qs.

Your doc will need to ask a few personal questions for medical purposes, but don’t worry, everything is completely confidential. If you're there with mom, the doc might ask her to leave the room to ask these questions, so don’t sweat it. It's important that you answer the questions 100% honestly. They'll ask things like: Have you had your period yet? When was your last period? What changes have you noticed in your body? Are you in a relationship? Are you sexually active? Do you smoke, drink or use drugs? Even if most of these don't apply to you, it's important for the gyno to know––so be sure you are truthful with your responses! 

The pelvic exam.
The good news is, you most likely won't need one. According to the latest American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines, your first visit to the gyno should be ideally between the ages of 13 and 15 and consist of a lot of talking and not a whole lot of looking (unless there is some kind of major issue that needs to be addressed). The docs will most likely check everything out to just make sure everything is totally normal and healthy. But if you do need's really no big deal! Most of the time, they decide to do this exam to check in on symptoms like weird discharge, bad cramps or something else that may be bothering you down there. The doc will use a tool called a speculum that will help gently open your vagina to check out what is going on.The exam should not take long (about 2-5 minutes) and will just feel like there is pressure and bloating in your vagina and lower abdomen (don't worry this is only temporary). 

Follow ups.

Once you are all done with your exam, you probably won't need to return for another year (unless there was an issue the doc wanted to follow up with). If this is the case, the doctor will ask you to touch base with the receptionist so you can schedule an appointment at the requested time frame. The good news? After going to the gyno once, you'll know what to expect every other time you go, so it'll be a total breeze (phew!).

Note: It is not mandatory to go to the gyno, however if you are encountering issues or are curious if you should make an appointment, be sure to check with your parents and primary physician if you have any questions.

Have you had to go to the gyno? What was your experience? Share in the comments below.

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We want to hear from you! Send us your weirdest body questions here (seriously, we'll answer anything!) and it just might get featured.


by Jossie Carbonare & Anna Maria Hand | 2/1/2016