How does the US compare to other countries in staying fit?
Despite the fact that we’re forced to run that dreaded timed mile once a year in gym class (can you say ugh?), American kids are still *way* behind other countries fitness-wise.
A new study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine tells us that American children ranked near last on something called the beep test (very similar to the pacer test). The test requires participants to run between two lines that are 66 feet apart (what the study calls a "lap") in the time between two beeps. The amount of time between each beep gradually becomes shorter. If you do not reach one of the lines before the next beep, you are done with the test.
The study found that the average Tanzanian 12 year old could run 42 laps (or 2756 feet), and the average American 12-year-old could run just 26 laps (1706 feet). Overall, the American children studied ranked 47 out of the 50 countries examined in this study.
This sort of test analyzes the aerobic fitness of the subjects, which is probably the most important type of fitness for your health. Aerobic fitness is basically anything that gives you that “huff and puff” kind of feeling. Other studies have looked at the importance of aerobic fitness in general, and showed us that low aerobic fitness can actually be a predictor of death. One of these studies followed the health of Swedish males for 29 years, and another followed the health of Japanese females for 64 years. Those with the lowest fitness levels were more likely to die prematurely from any cause later in life.
If you can’t run that timed mile very quickly in gym class, you don't need to freak out and assume that you're doomed. But it could be a catalyst for you to get active! Here are 5 easy ways to do that...
1. Interval running. You don't *have* to go on a jog to become more fit. By sprinting for a minute or two and then resting, you can bring up your own fitness with very short workouts every day.
2. Swimming. Typically, 60 minutes of any kind of exercise is going to help you bring up your fitness, and swimming is an easy way to keep your body moving for an hour.
3. Biking outside. While sometimes it’s easier to head to the gym and cycle, there’s no true substitute for the cool, fall air hitting you as you speed down a hill. Go for a bike ride with some friends to get your blood pumping and your lungs working.
4. Play soccer. Soccer is one of the most active sports there is. You’re constantly moving, but you also get rest periods the way you would during interval running. If you don’t want to join your school’s team or the rec center league, gather up some of your friends and family to kick the ball around together.
5. Join a Zumba class. You dance around to your favorite songs with your friends anyway, so why not join a class and make a workout of it? Ask your local gym about their Zumba classes and get dancing.
How do you like to keep active? Tell us in the comments!