
3 ways to beat the heat while working out

The hot weather can send some girls wishing they had a pool or diving for the couch, where they'll promptly chill out under the AC. We're showing you how to sweat it out the smart way this season. (The benefits are too good to pass up!) Here are some pro tips for staying active while the temperatures soar...

Judy Molnar is a certified coach and VP of the Iron Girl race series so she knows a think or two about staying cool in the hot, hot heat. She'll telling all about avoiding sunburn, overheating and exactly when to get in that long run (hint: it isn't high noon).


Timing is everything. When it's going to be hot, head out early in the a.m. or after the sunset. That way, you’ll be done your workout before the pavement bakes and avoid the sun’s harmful rays.


Watch the weather. Exercising when it’s about 80 is fine but also the heat index and humidity levels. The combo can make it dangerous to do strenuous activities outside. So flip on the tube to see if there are any weather warnings. 

Lighten up. Avoid cotton shirts and dark colors. Opt for light, moisture-wicking fabric (think: Dri Fit) instead. Don’t forget a hat, sports sunscreen and damp washcloth to up the chill factor. 

The chug factor. Try to drink one to two cups of water before you head outside. Make sure you have water with you all times. A good rule is to consume eight ounces every 20 minutes. Drink up.

How do you keep cool working out in the heat? Share in the comments below! 


by Katie Abbondanza | 2/1/2016