Turn your chores into a workout
Laundry Lifts
Ever wait to do laundry until you can barely get your hamper from your room to the washing machine? Use those heavy clothes to your advantage. Squat down, grab your laundry basket and pick it up, lifting with your legs, not your back. Do the same thing in reverse to put the basket back on the ground. Repeat this 10 times before you leave your room and 10 times once you get to the washing machine.
Clean Dish Curls
If it’s your turn to empty the dishwasher, take advantage of the time to work on your arm muscles. Do three bicep curls with each arm for every clean glass you put away. Hold the full silverware tray behind your head (level with where your neck meets your head) with both hands and bring it straight up until both of your arms are straight, then bring it back down to the original position. Do this 10 times.
House Cleaning Hustle
You promised your mom you’d clean up your stuff, but it’s all over the house! Focus on one room at a time and clean out everything you can find. Sprint up the stairs two at a time and then run with high knees down the hallway to your room. Do butt kicks back down the hallway once you put your stuff in your room. When you finish a room, do five pushups. Once you’ve hit all the rooms, check around the house one more time. For every thing you missed, do ten crunches.
Streak-Free Squats
POSTED IN Workouts, best-ever arm workouts, your best booty workouts, lean leg workouts, lazy girl's workouts