
Is your spray tan wrecking your health?

We all know laying out in the sun and, heaven forbid, using tanning oil, is bad for your skin. It can lead to cancerous melanomas, old-before-your time roughness, wrinkles, age spots and emergency room-worthy burns. In factor, Yale School of Medicine dermatology professor Dr. David J. Leffell says, “If you’re getting enough sun to get a tan, then you’re getting too much.”

But doctors and scientists are now taking a closer look at the oft-cited “safe” alternative, the spray tan and the tan-in-a- bottle. The concern stems from the chemical dihydroxyacetone (DHA) found in these sprays and lotions. They work by changing the color of the dead skin cells on the outer layer of your body’s epidermis. And when used properly, researchers agree that these products are safe, the Huffington Post reports.

Except a lot of people aren’t using them properly—and you might be one of them.

When you use products containing DHA, you’re supposed to cover your lips, nose and eyes because scientists don’t know what will happen long-term if you inhale DHA. Some studies have shown that the chemical can increase free radical formation, which is linked to cancer. And that’s what you’re trying to avoid by using sunless tanner, right? Bottom line: Take safety precautions, chica, so your summer beauty regimen doesn’t cost ya later.

Do you tan or your spray or bottled tanner? Tell us your summer beauty plans in the comments!


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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016