Your purse is disgusting: Germy gross-outs you need to know about

We know we should wipe down our cell phones and wash our hands, but we hardly ever spare a thought for the bags we drag everywhere. According to a new study, though, purses are pretty much the germiest things we touch all day...and yes, that includes the toilet. All together now: Ew.
A British company discovered that 20 percent of purses carry bacteria that has the potential to cause health problems. Grosser yet, since your handbag is something you touch frequently without washing your hands (or the bag itself), it's incredibly easy to transfer those microbes to pretty much everything else you own.
Lucky for us, there's any easy solution: Toss a travel pack of Clorox wipes in your bag and give that sucker a quick scrub every week or so to keep it spic and span. Do your best to keep it off the floor and away from icky things, and if you're tossing food in there, like fresh fruit, do yourself a favor and bag it first, just in case.
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