GL's Bikini Body Boot Camp is now in session!

Ready for a booty-kicking sweat sesh? Whether the answer to that question is, "You bet!" or "Um, NO!", on Tues., May 21, we've got the solution to your bikini body problems. From the cinchy moves you need to tone up fast to top-notch cardio that's actually fun (for reals!) to major body confidence (yes, even in that teeny bikini), our Bikini Body Boot Camp Facebook Chat is the place to be.
Our special guest? None other than Blogilates babe Cassey Ho! Cassey is a YouTube fitness phenom whose workout videos have garnered millions of views. She's been charting on our YouTube must-list for ages. Why? 'Cause she makes working up a sweat a blast. From beginner basics to top-40-inspired dance moves, she keeps you grooving without even realizing that what you're doing is good for your bod. Now that's a workout we can get on board with!
And guess who's invited? Y-O-U!

Save the date: Tues., May 21 from 6pm to 7pm EST
How to join in: At 6pm EST on Tues., May 21, head to We'll post a graphic to start the chat, then all you have to do is watch and learn or comment on that post with a question of your own. Cassey will reply to as many comments as she can.
Bonus! Leave a comment or question for Cassey and you'll be entered to win some Blogilates swag.
Don't have a Facebook account? No worries! You don't have to have an account to watch the chat, and we'll post the best Q&As right here on afterward.
Can't make it? So not a big deal. If you have a question for Cassey, comment on this post and leave it there, or pretweet it to @girlslifemag using #GLchat. For her answers, you can check our Facebook page 24/7, or check back here after the chat.
POSTED IN dance workouts, bikini body workout, 30 days to a bikini bod, lazy girl's workouts