Eat Right
Eat This, Not That: PMS Foods

When your period rolls around, there’s always something you’re cravin’ like crazy. And it usually ain’t, say, broccoli. Research shows that it’s good to give in (it’ll help stabilize your hormones)—a bit. Here are smart ways to satisfy any serious PMS snack attack.
GREASE. Pepperoni pizza. Chicken fingers. Nachos. Swap greasy finger foods for good fats that leave you feeling full, not bloated. Research shows Vitamin E nixes pain associated with periods. Yummy avocados are loaded with the stuff, so whip up some guac (Wholly Guacamole Recipe), then dip in whole-wheat crackers or sliced peppers.
SALT. Ready to strap on a bag of BBQ chips? Stop! All that extra salt will just leave you feeling puffy. Skip the chips and swap in seeds instead. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are packed with magnesium, which may actually help your mood and banish bloating.
CREAMY. Even though it seems like that ice cream sundae will melt cramps away, truth is, the sugar rush just lets ya down later. A Greek yogurt parfait (plain yogurt with cut fruit and a sprinkle of walnuts) packs more than 20 grams of fill-ya-up protein.
CHOCOLATE. It’s the classic PMS craving. About to down an oversized brownie or devil’s food cupcake? Opt for a glass of chocolate milk (skim, please!) instead. Calcium may reduce (or prevent!) icky PMS irritability and headaches.
SWEETS. If you get major PMS mood swings, you’re likely to crave sugary stuff. Studies prove that girls with low levels of potassium also had more body drama during their periods. Stay fueled with potassium by eating whole wheat toast topped with almond butter and banana pieces. A drizzle of honey adds sweetness.
POSTED IN eating