Survey Says
SURVEY SAYS! A Quiz for Anyone

1. Name? Kaylee
2. Name spelled Backwards?
3. Shoe Size? 7
4. Do you have any birthmarks? Nope. :)
5. Have you ever missed school because it was raining? Maybe...
6. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? Yep. Her name was
7. Have you ever been in a car accident? Not yet. Thank God.
8. Favorite Commercial, (you know you like at least one!)? That
one super
Bowl commercial with Justin Timberlake :D
9.Faviorte Family Tradition?
10. Favorite Word? Pleather, (pronounced
"pl-e-th-er" :) )
--MrsNickJonas4ever :)
GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it to Jiae at, with the words Survey Says in the subject line, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?