Survey Says
SURVEY SAYS! A Quiz for Anyone

Favorite artist? Lil Rob!!
Favorite color? Light Blue
Ice cream or ice pops? Ice pops
Make it yourself nails or salon done nails? I hate painting
my nails
Cute sandals or cute sneakers? Cute sneakers
Wear only huge sweaters in summer or only shorts and tank
tops in winter?
The winter one
Cats or dogs? Dogs all the way!
Have your teacher read your diary or your mom? hmmm,
probably Teacher
Make a living on picking animal poop or washing crazy pigs? Picking up animal poop
Do you know who Lil Rob is? Of course!
Do you have curly or straight hair? Its naturally straight,
but I got a
perm. Its going away so i'd say wavy.
Being a famous author or athlete? Famous athlete
From 1-10, rate this survey.
--Ms. Latina Cutie
GOT YOUR OWN SURVEY? Send it to Jiae at, with the words Survey Says in the subject line, and you could have your survey featured on the Fun Stuff blog! How cool is that?