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GL's June Beach Reads Giveaway!

What’s the perfect thing to bring to the beach on a hot summer day? Sunglasses and sunblock, maybe, but more importantly, a great book! Not sure what to read? Enter our June Beach Reads Giveaway to score the hottest books of the summer.
Five girls will win a copy of best-selling author Sarah Dessen’s new novel The Moon and More. Ever wonder what it’s like to be an Olympic gold medalist? Well, now you can find out. Five more readers will win gymnast Gabby Douglas’ book, Raising the Bar.
Five will join Becky as she is transformed from average to beautiful in Paul Rudnick’s novel, Gorgeous. Ten will read Fifteenth Summer, which we think is a great summer love story.
One lucky girl won’t be bored for a second this summer when she wins the GRAND PRIZE, an Anthropologie Colorcycle tote filled with 20 Harlequin Teen novels and an Amazon Kindle.
Check out every day this June to win one of these awesome summer reads.
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